Brasilberg – discover the mystery of the Amazon. Dr. Paul Underberg, the grandson of the Underberg company founder, was a cosmopolitan and passionate discoverer of foreign cultures. But he was particularly fascinated by the healing power of herbs and plants from the Amazon. In 1933 he settled in Rio de Janeiro and began production of the “Underberg do Brasil”. The unique Brazilian herb quickly became the favorite drink of the Rio society.
Perfect for mixing in cocktails. Brasilberg has a beautiful dark color and a delicious full-bodied taste. It is classic in style; attractive and expressive in the nose with a wonderfully vivid complex herbal character. Perfectly balanced on the palate with a traditional flavour profile that combines notes of dried herbs, exotic spices, dark berry fruit and among other things licorice, cloves and orange peel. Enjoy it neat or in cocktails like the Rio Negra.
It holds 42% alcohol.